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The Importance of OSHA regulations and Why Every Technician Needs an Annual Safety Refresher Course

The Importance of OSHA regulations and Why Every Technician Needs an Annual Safety Refresher Course

August 25, 2021

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the regulatory body responsible for ensuring healthy working conditions by enforcing safety standards. It provides training, outreach, education and assistance for employers and employees. Employers who do not comply with the regulations could be liable to severe penalties.

OSHA protects more than 130 million employees in the US. Its general principles ensure minimal physical hazards and improved sustainability. Companies must abide by the established guidelines by providing protective equipment and implementing safety policies. The federal agency maintains about 2,200 inspectors to reduce workplace fatalities.

Every business owner should have a sound understanding of the OSHA regulations pertaining to their industry. So, take a closer look at why compliance is important and why workers need a refresher annually.

The Importance of OSHA Regulations

Every workplace needs an employee safety program that complies with the OSHA guidelines. For example, work with a commercial HVAC or plumbing company that is familiar with the latest safety protocols. Check if every member of the team goes through extensive safety training programs like injury prevention and risk management.

Here are some of the benefits your organization and workers will gain by being mindful about similar small details.

  • Boosts productivity and improves revenues
  • Maintains your reputation and ensures high employee satisfaction
  • Lowers risks of accidents, injuries and disabilities
  • Reduces serious legal expenses associated with protecting your company
  • Identification of possible hazards and eliminating them on time.

Not following the OSHA guidelines can open you up to penalties and citations. Learn the standards for your specific industry so that you can tailor your training programs better.

Annual Safety Refresher: Why is it Necessary?

What we learn usually fades with time. Studies have found that employees forget 80% of what they’ve learned in a training session within 2 days of learning. This is why a refresher course is necessary. The top commercial repair and maintenance services ensure that each of their technicians participates in such programs. It is an important component of occupation health and prevents the degradation of safety skills and keeps employees updated on the latest guidelines.

But a few items, like respiratory protection under OSHA 1910.134, must be given whenever an employee fails to perform an activity correctly. The main purpose of the training is to take workers back to the basics. It also assures that everyone is aligned with the changing consensus and regulatory standards. This way employers can promote excellence, reduce mistakes, boost employee confidence and achieve compliance.

Plummeting customer satisfaction or increased workspace accidents are the first signs that employees are not following the OSHA standards. Consider hands-on or virtual training and review the programs frequently for best results.